We Believe
The Bible is the inspired, infallible Word of God: written by the Holy men of old as they were moved by the Holy Spirit. II Peter 1:20-21.
In one God who is infinite in power, Holy in nature, attributes and purpose: omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent. We believe that He was revealed to us, Father in creation, Son in redemption and Holy Spirit in His comforting grace that never leaves those who trust in Him.I Corinthians. 8:6; Eph. 4:6; II Corinthians 5:19; Joel 2:28.
That in Jesus Christ dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead bodily; for it pleased the Father that in Him should all the fullness dwell. Col. 2:9; Col. 1:19.
In the virgin birth; that Jesus was both human and divine. God manifest in the flesh. St. Matt. 1:23; I Tim. 3:16.
In the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ. We believe that He ascended on high and has sent His Spirit, the Holy Ghost, which was poured out at Jerusalem over 2000 years ago, and is still filling the hearts of those who diligently seek Him today. Acts 2:14.
We believe in baptism in the water by immersion, in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and the baptism of the Holy Ghost, speaking in other tongues as the Spirit gives utterance. This constitutes the new birth. Acts 2:4,38.
Our Duty
Our duty is to heal the sick; lift the fallen; strengthen the weak; encourage the faint-hearted; comfort the feeble-minded; point the lost to the way of salvation and urge all believers to seek a spirit-filled life (Eph. 5:18; Acts 19:1-6).
And prepare for the coming of the Lord. (James 1:27; I Thess. 5:4; Mark 16:15-18; Matthew 25:1-13).
Moreover it is our indispensable duty, as partakers of the “royal priesthood” (I Peter 2:9; Rev. 1:6; 5:10), to offer supplications, prayer, intercessions, and giving thanks for all men; for kings, presidents, governors, magistrates, and all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceful life in all Godliness and honesty; (I Timothy 2:14; Romans 13:1-14).
On behalf of our pastor, the honorable Elder Avery Dumas III, and First Lady Rosalind Dumas, welcome to the internet home of New Grace Apostolic Temple.
At New Grace we are committed to spreading the “Good News” about the delivering and saving power of Jesus Christ.
If you have additional questions, we invite you to contact us.